We have a new rule in our house and that is no social media on the weekends. Weekends are for family time, and I don’t want to spend them consumed by our cellphones (which is what was happening).

Tired of seeing this trend between Justin and me, I told him I wanted us to practice social media free weekends moving forward and he agreed. The last thing I want is for Jack to look back on his life and remember his parents being glued to their devices. And I also want to make sure we are setting a good example for him as far as screen time goes.

This past was our first implementing this new house rule, and I must admit that it wasn’t perfect. I caught myself multiple times throughout the day on Saturday checking Instagram or posting to my IG story. Sunday was better, though.

Of course, I still want to share our little family (to some degree) with everyone who follows our journey. That is why I am starting this new series called Dammit, Hali Weekends.

It will be a weekly roundup of our weekend activities — from ordinary, day-to-day life to the projects we’re tackling on our home, it will be moments we are already capturing.

The highlight of our first weekend of social distancing on social media wasn’t the wallpaper I knocked out in only a few hours (we will get to that later). It was actually the time we spent outside enjoying the evening sunshine from our backyard.

Last spring Justin and I painted our back patio and then installed a gorgeous cedar pergola to provide us with ample shade.

Now that Jack is here and the days are getting longer and warmer, it has been such a blessing to sit out there with him. We soaked in the patio fun as a family on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday while listening to Van Morrison radio and simply enjoying how peaceful the moments were.

Justin lounged in his hammock while Jack and I hung out on the patio loveseat.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you know I’ve been working on a rehab project in our guest bathroom. I sank my teeth into it this weekend and was able to get one of the walls covered in wallpaper while Justin and Jack spent some quality time together.

It was so sweet to take a break from hanging wallpaper and look down the hall to see my two boys in the living room.

Honestly, I needed that bathroom project this weekend. Working on our home is such an escape for me, and it felt so good to be up on the ladder. It’s nowhere near done, but I got a good start.

On Sunday afternoon when I finished the last strip of paper (after having to go back in and fix some spots I messed up), I was so proud of what I accomplished. It’s an amazing feeling to see your vision come to life.

Justin and I were also able to rearrange our bedroom furniture on Sunday — something I’ve been after him to do since we brought Jack home and I realized the layout of our bedroom didn’t make sense with a bassinet.

Our room feels so much larger now, and the space makes sense with the new layout.

While we did that, Jack napped for the first time in his crib. Granted, it was only for 10 minutes (the kid does not nap), but it was still his first snooze in his bed in his room.

That’s all for this weekend round up, friends. Thanks for hanging out with us and taking a peek at the daily moments that make our family happy.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, and that’s what Dammit, Hali Weekends is all about.