This was the first Memorial Day Weekend that Justin and I have spent at home and not on the lake in probably 10 years.

Let me just say, it was an amazing weekend for our little family.

We accomplished so much, napped so hard, and enjoyed the bits of sunshine we had between storm clouds.

First off, Justin picked up our new bathroom floor on Saturday morning. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know this was a fiasco (and it was quite amusing).

To recap, this is how our sheet vinyl arrived …

All 80 square feet of it.

I ordered way more flooring than we actually needed, but it’s a good thing I did because we ended up using nearly all of it after we messed up a first try at laying it.

The end result was well worth the headache, though.

The floor was our BIG accomplishment this Memorial Day Weekend, but we also spent a lot of time with general sprucing up inside and outside our house.

I finally got to plant the flowers Justin and Jack got me for Mother’s Day.

And Jack watched.

He also spent the weekend napping. Lot and lots of napping was had.

In between all that sleep was plenty of play.

It was a great, busy weekend for the three of us.

Until next week, friends!