I’m convinced every toddler goes through a dinosaur stage.

Every toddler I’ve ever known has, at least. And our tenacious 3-year-old is no different.
He LOVES dinosaurs, in fact, and I love that he is so incredibly passionate about perfecting his roar and learning the names of every dino ever.
Naturally — as a fully supportive mother — I had a lean into this newfound obsession and make some small updates to his bedroom that reflect his favorite extinct creatures.
Any toddler parent knows that the things our tiny humans obsess over are fleeting. Before we can blink they’re off to the next thing.
Our pint-sized paleontologist might love dinosaurs now and find something new in two weeks. That’s why I wanted to be intentional with the updates I made to his bedroom and only incorporate dinosaur-themed pieces that are inexpensive and easily changeable if and when his next interest hits.

These dinosaur prints were a great way to introduce dinos to Jack’s room without spending a lot of money. I already had the picture frames, so no dollars were spent there. And when he moves on from dinos, we can easily swap out the prints for something new.

I also added a fun table lamp which Jack loves. The hard part is keeping him from playing with it like he plays with his dino figurines — and by playing I mean bashing them on the ground.

This plush T-Rex head was a huge hit mounted on his wall above his book shelves. And, of course, a plush triceratops gifted to him by his baby sister was a necessity. Yes, we tried to bribe him into liking her by telling him the stuffed animal was from his new sibling. The jury is still out on whether or not it worked.

I think the $13-on-sale dinosaur-colored (dark green) curtain panels really pull the theme together, though.
Adding these small updates to his existing room was easy since his room if fairly neutral, anyway. When we first did his “big boy” bedroom last year, my intention was to create a space that could easily adapt to whatever interests Jack develops over the next few years. Whether it’s dinosaurs, monster trucks, bugs or ballerinas, the bones of this room can adapt to anything.

And, now, we play.