My battle with smart storage solutions for our small home is never ending.

Add in the surge in stuff that comes with a tiny human and my battle has basically become an obsession.

With Jack outgrowing his clothes at a rapid pace — he’s 3.5 months right now and size 6-month sleepers are fitting snug — figuring out a way to store the clothes that no longer fit him has been my latest stressor.

When you live in a home that doesn’t have a garage or a basement, using large plastic totes to store things such as baby clothes is off the table. 

I initially thought I would pack Jack’s old clothes in 20-gallon totes but quickly discovered that’s simply not a smart option for us. We don’t have closet or attic space to store those totes, and I certainly don’t intend to get rid of gently used baby clothes that we can use for baby No. 2 one day in the future.

In my quest to find a better way to store these clothes, I stumbled upon MagicBags and holy moly, I feel like I’ve struck gold.

These plastic, airtight bags hold a ton of baby clothes and when you vacuum the air out of them, they shrink down small enough to store the bags in small spaces. I can easily fit the sealed bags in the back of Jack’s closet and even under his crib or dresser.

I can also use these bags to store our winter coats, heavy down comforter, and duvet cover when we’re not using them in the summer.

The bags come in a variety of sizes to choose from. I opted for the “Large Flat” bags and they work perfectly for my needs. If you need help deciding which size is right for you, there’s a handy guide on the website for the bags.

The MagicBags are also easy to use. All you have to do is fill them, seal them, and suck out the air with your vacuum cleaner hose. I probably had too much fun vacuuming the air out of the bags, but, hey, I’ve been living in social isolation since Jack was born in February. So, it’s the small things to keep me going at this point.

I made sure to wash everything before vacuum sealing the bags, too. That way it’s all fresh when we open the bags back up.

If you’re like us and struggle with space-saving storage solutions, I cannot recommend these bags enough.

Here are some of the size options: